Press Release

Multiscale Systems, Inc. receives NASA contract to develop advanced materials in Worcester, MA

WORCESTER, Mass. (June 27, 2019) — Multiscale Systems, Inc. has been awarded a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract for $124,833 to conduct research and development (R&D) work on Ultra Lightweight Mechanical Metamaterials for Mitigating Impacts and Crashes of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Vehicles.

Multiscale Systems, Inc. receives NASA contract to develop advanced materials in Worcester, MA2023-06-05T08:29:24-04:00

Multiscale Systems, Inc. receives federal grant to support advanced manufacturing R&D in Worcester

WORCESTER, Mass. (June 11, 2019) — Multiscale Systems, Inc. has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant for $224,553 to conduct research and development (R&D) work on Ultra Low-Cost Mechanical Metamaterials to Enable Mobility and Interactivity for Cyber-Physical Devices.

Multiscale Systems, Inc. receives federal grant to support advanced manufacturing R&D in Worcester2023-06-05T08:29:32-04:00

Multiscale Systems, Inc. accepted into MassChallenge Business Accelerator for the 2019 cohort

WORCESTER, Mass. (May 15, 2019) — Multiscale Systems, Inc., an advanced materials firm commercializing mechanical metamaterials, today announced that it was selected to participate in the 2019 MassChallenge Boston accelerator program. Rigorously selected by a community of close to 200 expert judges, Multiscale Systems, Inc. represents the top 9% of applications from around the world, including 61 countries and 25 U.S. states.

Multiscale Systems, Inc. accepted into MassChallenge Business Accelerator for the 2019 cohort2023-06-05T08:29:38-04:00
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