Lab Notes is a collection of our research findings, news stories, and press releases.
For media inquiries:
Karen Tisdell, Communications Director
News /
March 11, 2025 – Multiscale Systems to showcase cutting-edge industrial innovation during StartUp Week Worcester 2025.
News /
Multiscale Systems receives Massachusetts manufacturing award in recognition of outstanding leadership skills in the manufacturing industry.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (July 12, 2024) – Multiscale Systems to build new facilities, expand advanced manufacturing capabilities, and bring jobs to Worcester with grant investment.
News /
Multiscale Systems moves on as a finalist in the Department of Energy's Heliostat Prize.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (November 20, 2023) – The U.S. Department of Energy has announced Multiscale Systems as one of nine semifinalists in their American-Made Heliostat Prize. The prize is designed to accelerate technology innovation of selected heliostat components.
Blog /
What is thermoforming? We explain this manufacturing method, its benefits, applications, and how it applies to our metamaterial composites.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (August 7, 2023) – Three SBIRs focusing on metal additive/subtractive manufacturing have been awarded to Multiscale Systems by NASA and the Department of Energy.
Blog /
PEEK is a high-performance polymer, boasting a unique amalgamation of mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. We delve into the applications, benefits, and data behind this superstar thermoplastic.
News /
Multiscale Systems' CEO Jesse Silverberg will be presenting Folding Frontiers: Origami-Inspired Innovations in Space Technology on Friday July 14, 2023 at the Worcester EcoTarium's Alden Planetarium as part of their Astrophysics speaker series.
Blog /
Let's take a closer look at the ubiquitous composite sandwich panel, how it works, and why MetaCORE offers a superior performance option.
Blog /
How can MetaCORE make a better electric vehicle battery box? We drop tested three prototype boxes made of HDPE MetaCORE, PETG MetaCORE, and a standard reference aluminum box. Can MetaCORE outperform the industry standard?
News /
Since it's founding, Multiscale Systems has consistently pushed the envelope in the realm of advanced materials physics. In recognition of our continued growth, we have been selected as the recipient of the 2023 Rising Star Award at this year's Manufacturing Excellence Awards, hosted by the Worcester Business Journal.
Blog /
We needed a faster, more efficient way to create metamaterial composite cores. So we built our own compression thermoformer.
Blog /
What is metal additive manufacturing and how do different methods compare? In this article we discuss bound metal 3d printing, laser powder bed fusion, and hybrid additive CNC – and discuss the relative benefits and disadvantages of each.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (November 2, 2022) – NIST awards $400,000 to Multiscale Systems to integrate its contact-free QA/QC polariscope into large-scale manufacturing systems.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (September 20, 2022) – Multiscale Systems has been awarded $250,000 through the Massachusetts Manufacturing Accelerate Program (MMAP), operated by the Massachusetts Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) at the MassTech Collaborative.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (July 28, 2022) – As part of a $53 million program seeking technologies to address climate change, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded Multiscale Systems a $200,000 SBIR contract to develop additively manufactured, functionally graded bearings engineered for resilience and operation in extreme conditions.
Blog /
Quick and convenient, 3D printing has a problem: poor quality attachments. Can captured metal 3D printing overcome this issue?
Blog /
Metamaterials can be made from composites, but which is better: thermosets or thermoplastics? And what exactly are these types of composites made out of?
Blog /
3D printing is an essential prototyping and manufacturing method we use in the development of our mechanical metamaterials. But what is 3D printing exactly and how is it helpful?
Blog /
The accelerated aging of metamaterials aboard the ISSNL National Lab will allow us to see into the future - and support their adoption into everyday products.
Blog /
As new types of aerospace vehicles are invented, mechanical metamaterials are leading the way for improved crashworthiness.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (August 25, 2021) — Multiscale Systems has been awarded a $250,000 grant from MassCEC as part of their InnovateMass program. The grant will fund the continued development of MetaCORE-LD as a clean transportation technology.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (May 14, 2021) — The 2021 NASA SBIR Phase I contract will allow for the preparation of lightweight, high-strength mechanical metamaterials for accelerated aging in low-Earth orbit (LEO).
Blog /
Remember making popsicle stick towers as a kid? We've turned that concept up to 11 with our 17.5-foot, PVC DIY drop tower.
News /
March 31, 2021 - Winners of the Set! Stage of the American-Made Challenge's Geothermal Manufacturing Prize were announced on March 31, 2021. Multiscale Systems, along with nine other semi-finalists, will now move on to the Make! stage of the prize.
Blog /
How innovative geometric design can be used to create lightweight, multifunctional material systems without chemical or molecular modification.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (January 13, 2021) — U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives $175,000 to concepts supporting advanced manufacturing in hydroelectric sector.
News /
December 21, 2020 - Hydropower is a critical component in a more sustainable future. As climate change becomes more pressing, Multiscale Systems is making innovative solutions in the renewable energy sector.
Blog /
How we created an automated temperature controlled enclosure for our 3D printers using smart manufacturing methods.
News /
October 20, 2020 - Multiscale Systems has been selected as one of 15 winners in the first round of the American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing Prize.
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October 6, 2020 - Mechanical metamaterial technology reaches finals of small business US Army program focusing on dual-use science and technology solutions.
News /
White paper on defense aerial delivery platforms and how MetaCORE can deliver predictable and reliable impact mitigation.
News /
June 9, 2020 - Multiscale Systems receives its CNC machine from StepCraft.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (April 28, 2020) — Multiscale Systems, Inc. celebrates its second birthday this April with a slew of announcements representing the monumental progress its made in the last few months.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (June 27, 2019) — Multiscale Systems, Inc. has been awarded a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract for $124,833 to conduct research and development (R&D) work on Ultra Lightweight Mechanical Metamaterials for Mitigating Impacts and Crashes of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Vehicles.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (June 11, 2019) — Multiscale Systems, Inc. has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant for $224,553 to conduct research and development (R&D) work on Ultra Low-Cost Mechanical Metamaterials to Enable Mobility and Interactivity for Cyber-Physical Devices.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (May 15, 2019) — Multiscale Systems, Inc., an advanced materials firm commercializing mechanical metamaterials, today announced that it was selected to participate in the 2019 MassChallenge Boston accelerator program. Rigorously selected by a community of close to 200 expert judges, Multiscale Systems, Inc. represents the top 9% of applications from around the world, including 61 countries and 25 U.S. states.
Blog /
What is thermoforming? We explain this manufacturing method, its benefits, applications, and how it applies to our metamaterial composites.
Blog /
PEEK is a high-performance polymer, boasting a unique amalgamation of mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. We delve into the applications, benefits, and data behind this superstar thermoplastic.
Blog /
Let's take a closer look at the ubiquitous composite sandwich panel, how it works, and why MetaCORE offers a superior performance option.
Blog /
How can MetaCORE make a better electric vehicle battery box? We drop tested three prototype boxes made of HDPE MetaCORE, PETG MetaCORE, and a standard reference aluminum box. Can MetaCORE outperform the industry standard?
Blog /
We needed a faster, more efficient way to create metamaterial composite cores. So we built our own compression thermoformer.
Blog /
What is metal additive manufacturing and how do different methods compare? In this article we discuss bound metal 3d printing, laser powder bed fusion, and hybrid additive CNC – and discuss the relative benefits and disadvantages of each.
Blog /
Quick and convenient, 3D printing has a problem: poor quality attachments. Can captured metal 3D printing overcome this issue?
Blog /
Metamaterials can be made from composites, but which is better: thermosets or thermoplastics? And what exactly are these types of composites made out of?
Blog /
3D printing is an essential prototyping and manufacturing method we use in the development of our mechanical metamaterials. But what is 3D printing exactly and how is it helpful?
Blog /
The accelerated aging of metamaterials aboard the ISSNL National Lab will allow us to see into the future - and support their adoption into everyday products.
Blog /
As new types of aerospace vehicles are invented, mechanical metamaterials are leading the way for improved crashworthiness.
Blog /
Remember making popsicle stick towers as a kid? We've turned that concept up to 11 with our 17.5-foot, PVC DIY drop tower.
Blog /
How innovative geometric design can be used to create lightweight, multifunctional material systems without chemical or molecular modification.
Blog /
How we created an automated temperature controlled enclosure for our 3D printers using smart manufacturing methods.
News /
March 11, 2025 – Multiscale Systems to showcase cutting-edge industrial innovation during StartUp Week Worcester 2025.
News /
Multiscale Systems receives Massachusetts manufacturing award in recognition of outstanding leadership skills in the manufacturing industry.
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Multiscale Systems moves on as a finalist in the Department of Energy's Heliostat Prize.
News /
Multiscale Systems' CEO Jesse Silverberg will be presenting Folding Frontiers: Origami-Inspired Innovations in Space Technology on Friday July 14, 2023 at the Worcester EcoTarium's Alden Planetarium as part of their Astrophysics speaker series.
News /
Since it's founding, Multiscale Systems has consistently pushed the envelope in the realm of advanced materials physics. In recognition of our continued growth, we have been selected as the recipient of the 2023 Rising Star Award at this year's Manufacturing Excellence Awards, hosted by the Worcester Business Journal.
News /
March 31, 2021 - Winners of the Set! Stage of the American-Made Challenge's Geothermal Manufacturing Prize were announced on March 31, 2021. Multiscale Systems, along with nine other semi-finalists, will now move on to the Make! stage of the prize.
News /
December 21, 2020 - Hydropower is a critical component in a more sustainable future. As climate change becomes more pressing, Multiscale Systems is making innovative solutions in the renewable energy sector.
News /
October 20, 2020 - Multiscale Systems has been selected as one of 15 winners in the first round of the American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing Prize.
News /
October 6, 2020 - Mechanical metamaterial technology reaches finals of small business US Army program focusing on dual-use science and technology solutions.
News /
White paper on defense aerial delivery platforms and how MetaCORE can deliver predictable and reliable impact mitigation.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (July 12, 2024) – Multiscale Systems to build new facilities, expand advanced manufacturing capabilities, and bring jobs to Worcester with grant investment.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (November 20, 2023) – The U.S. Department of Energy has announced Multiscale Systems as one of nine semifinalists in their American-Made Heliostat Prize. The prize is designed to accelerate technology innovation of selected heliostat components.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (August 7, 2023) – Three SBIRs focusing on metal additive/subtractive manufacturing have been awarded to Multiscale Systems by NASA and the Department of Energy.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (November 2, 2022) – NIST awards $400,000 to Multiscale Systems to integrate its contact-free QA/QC polariscope into large-scale manufacturing systems.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (September 20, 2022) – Multiscale Systems has been awarded $250,000 through the Massachusetts Manufacturing Accelerate Program (MMAP), operated by the Massachusetts Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) at the MassTech Collaborative.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (July 28, 2022) – As part of a $53 million program seeking technologies to address climate change, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded Multiscale Systems a $200,000 SBIR contract to develop additively manufactured, functionally graded bearings engineered for resilience and operation in extreme conditions.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (August 25, 2021) — Multiscale Systems has been awarded a $250,000 grant from MassCEC as part of their InnovateMass program. The grant will fund the continued development of MetaCORE-LD as a clean transportation technology.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (May 14, 2021) — The 2021 NASA SBIR Phase I contract will allow for the preparation of lightweight, high-strength mechanical metamaterials for accelerated aging in low-Earth orbit (LEO).
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (January 13, 2021) — U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives $175,000 to concepts supporting advanced manufacturing in hydroelectric sector.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (April 28, 2020) — Multiscale Systems, Inc. celebrates its second birthday this April with a slew of announcements representing the monumental progress its made in the last few months.
News /
March 11, 2025 – Multiscale Systems to showcase cutting-edge industrial innovation during StartUp Week Worcester 2025.
News /
Multiscale Systems receives Massachusetts manufacturing award in recognition of outstanding leadership skills in the manufacturing industry.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (July 12, 2024) – Multiscale Systems to build new facilities, expand advanced manufacturing capabilities, and bring jobs to Worcester with grant investment.
News /
Multiscale Systems moves on as a finalist in the Department of Energy's Heliostat Prize.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (November 20, 2023) – The U.S. Department of Energy has announced Multiscale Systems as one of nine semifinalists in their American-Made Heliostat Prize. The prize is designed to accelerate technology innovation of selected heliostat components.
Blog /
What is thermoforming? We explain this manufacturing method, its benefits, applications, and how it applies to our metamaterial composites.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (August 7, 2023) – Three SBIRs focusing on metal additive/subtractive manufacturing have been awarded to Multiscale Systems by NASA and the Department of Energy.
Blog /
PEEK is a high-performance polymer, boasting a unique amalgamation of mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. We delve into the applications, benefits, and data behind this superstar thermoplastic.
News /
Multiscale Systems' CEO Jesse Silverberg will be presenting Folding Frontiers: Origami-Inspired Innovations in Space Technology on Friday July 14, 2023 at the Worcester EcoTarium's Alden Planetarium as part of their Astrophysics speaker series.
Blog /
Let's take a closer look at the ubiquitous composite sandwich panel, how it works, and why MetaCORE offers a superior performance option.
Blog /
How can MetaCORE make a better electric vehicle battery box? We drop tested three prototype boxes made of HDPE MetaCORE, PETG MetaCORE, and a standard reference aluminum box. Can MetaCORE outperform the industry standard?
News /
Since it's founding, Multiscale Systems has consistently pushed the envelope in the realm of advanced materials physics. In recognition of our continued growth, we have been selected as the recipient of the 2023 Rising Star Award at this year's Manufacturing Excellence Awards, hosted by the Worcester Business Journal.
Blog /
We needed a faster, more efficient way to create metamaterial composite cores. So we built our own compression thermoformer.
Blog /
What is metal additive manufacturing and how do different methods compare? In this article we discuss bound metal 3d printing, laser powder bed fusion, and hybrid additive CNC – and discuss the relative benefits and disadvantages of each.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (November 2, 2022) – NIST awards $400,000 to Multiscale Systems to integrate its contact-free QA/QC polariscope into large-scale manufacturing systems.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (September 20, 2022) – Multiscale Systems has been awarded $250,000 through the Massachusetts Manufacturing Accelerate Program (MMAP), operated by the Massachusetts Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) at the MassTech Collaborative.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (July 28, 2022) – As part of a $53 million program seeking technologies to address climate change, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded Multiscale Systems a $200,000 SBIR contract to develop additively manufactured, functionally graded bearings engineered for resilience and operation in extreme conditions.
Blog /
Quick and convenient, 3D printing has a problem: poor quality attachments. Can captured metal 3D printing overcome this issue?
Blog /
Metamaterials can be made from composites, but which is better: thermosets or thermoplastics? And what exactly are these types of composites made out of?
Blog /
3D printing is an essential prototyping and manufacturing method we use in the development of our mechanical metamaterials. But what is 3D printing exactly and how is it helpful?
Blog /
The accelerated aging of metamaterials aboard the ISSNL National Lab will allow us to see into the future - and support their adoption into everyday products.
Blog /
As new types of aerospace vehicles are invented, mechanical metamaterials are leading the way for improved crashworthiness.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (August 25, 2021) — Multiscale Systems has been awarded a $250,000 grant from MassCEC as part of their InnovateMass program. The grant will fund the continued development of MetaCORE-LD as a clean transportation technology.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (May 14, 2021) — The 2021 NASA SBIR Phase I contract will allow for the preparation of lightweight, high-strength mechanical metamaterials for accelerated aging in low-Earth orbit (LEO).
Blog /
Remember making popsicle stick towers as a kid? We've turned that concept up to 11 with our 17.5-foot, PVC DIY drop tower.
News /
March 31, 2021 - Winners of the Set! Stage of the American-Made Challenge's Geothermal Manufacturing Prize were announced on March 31, 2021. Multiscale Systems, along with nine other semi-finalists, will now move on to the Make! stage of the prize.
Blog /
How innovative geometric design can be used to create lightweight, multifunctional material systems without chemical or molecular modification.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (January 13, 2021) — U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives $175,000 to concepts supporting advanced manufacturing in hydroelectric sector.
News /
December 21, 2020 - Hydropower is a critical component in a more sustainable future. As climate change becomes more pressing, Multiscale Systems is making innovative solutions in the renewable energy sector.
Blog /
How we created an automated temperature controlled enclosure for our 3D printers using smart manufacturing methods.
News /
October 20, 2020 - Multiscale Systems has been selected as one of 15 winners in the first round of the American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing Prize.
News /
October 6, 2020 - Mechanical metamaterial technology reaches finals of small business US Army program focusing on dual-use science and technology solutions.
News /
White paper on defense aerial delivery platforms and how MetaCORE can deliver predictable and reliable impact mitigation.
News /
June 9, 2020 - Multiscale Systems receives its CNC machine from StepCraft.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (April 28, 2020) — Multiscale Systems, Inc. celebrates its second birthday this April with a slew of announcements representing the monumental progress its made in the last few months.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (June 27, 2019) — Multiscale Systems, Inc. has been awarded a National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract for $124,833 to conduct research and development (R&D) work on Ultra Lightweight Mechanical Metamaterials for Mitigating Impacts and Crashes of Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Vehicles.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (June 11, 2019) — Multiscale Systems, Inc. has been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant for $224,553 to conduct research and development (R&D) work on Ultra Low-Cost Mechanical Metamaterials to Enable Mobility and Interactivity for Cyber-Physical Devices.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (May 15, 2019) — Multiscale Systems, Inc., an advanced materials firm commercializing mechanical metamaterials, today announced that it was selected to participate in the 2019 MassChallenge Boston accelerator program. Rigorously selected by a community of close to 200 expert judges, Multiscale Systems, Inc. represents the top 9% of applications from around the world, including 61 countries and 25 U.S. states.
Blog /
What is thermoforming? We explain this manufacturing method, its benefits, applications, and how it applies to our metamaterial composites.
Blog /
PEEK is a high-performance polymer, boasting a unique amalgamation of mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. We delve into the applications, benefits, and data behind this superstar thermoplastic.
Blog /
Let's take a closer look at the ubiquitous composite sandwich panel, how it works, and why MetaCORE offers a superior performance option.
Blog /
How can MetaCORE make a better electric vehicle battery box? We drop tested three prototype boxes made of HDPE MetaCORE, PETG MetaCORE, and a standard reference aluminum box. Can MetaCORE outperform the industry standard?
Blog /
We needed a faster, more efficient way to create metamaterial composite cores. So we built our own compression thermoformer.
Blog /
What is metal additive manufacturing and how do different methods compare? In this article we discuss bound metal 3d printing, laser powder bed fusion, and hybrid additive CNC – and discuss the relative benefits and disadvantages of each.
Blog /
Quick and convenient, 3D printing has a problem: poor quality attachments. Can captured metal 3D printing overcome this issue?
Blog /
Metamaterials can be made from composites, but which is better: thermosets or thermoplastics? And what exactly are these types of composites made out of?
Blog /
3D printing is an essential prototyping and manufacturing method we use in the development of our mechanical metamaterials. But what is 3D printing exactly and how is it helpful?
Blog /
The accelerated aging of metamaterials aboard the ISSNL National Lab will allow us to see into the future - and support their adoption into everyday products.
Blog /
As new types of aerospace vehicles are invented, mechanical metamaterials are leading the way for improved crashworthiness.
Blog /
Remember making popsicle stick towers as a kid? We've turned that concept up to 11 with our 17.5-foot, PVC DIY drop tower.
Blog /
How innovative geometric design can be used to create lightweight, multifunctional material systems without chemical or molecular modification.
Blog /
How we created an automated temperature controlled enclosure for our 3D printers using smart manufacturing methods.
News /
March 11, 2025 – Multiscale Systems to showcase cutting-edge industrial innovation during StartUp Week Worcester 2025.
News /
Multiscale Systems receives Massachusetts manufacturing award in recognition of outstanding leadership skills in the manufacturing industry.
News /
Multiscale Systems moves on as a finalist in the Department of Energy's Heliostat Prize.
News /
Multiscale Systems' CEO Jesse Silverberg will be presenting Folding Frontiers: Origami-Inspired Innovations in Space Technology on Friday July 14, 2023 at the Worcester EcoTarium's Alden Planetarium as part of their Astrophysics speaker series.
News /
Since it's founding, Multiscale Systems has consistently pushed the envelope in the realm of advanced materials physics. In recognition of our continued growth, we have been selected as the recipient of the 2023 Rising Star Award at this year's Manufacturing Excellence Awards, hosted by the Worcester Business Journal.
News /
March 31, 2021 - Winners of the Set! Stage of the American-Made Challenge's Geothermal Manufacturing Prize were announced on March 31, 2021. Multiscale Systems, along with nine other semi-finalists, will now move on to the Make! stage of the prize.
News /
December 21, 2020 - Hydropower is a critical component in a more sustainable future. As climate change becomes more pressing, Multiscale Systems is making innovative solutions in the renewable energy sector.
News /
October 20, 2020 - Multiscale Systems has been selected as one of 15 winners in the first round of the American-Made Geothermal Manufacturing Prize.
News /
October 6, 2020 - Mechanical metamaterial technology reaches finals of small business US Army program focusing on dual-use science and technology solutions.
News /
White paper on defense aerial delivery platforms and how MetaCORE can deliver predictable and reliable impact mitigation.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (July 12, 2024) – Multiscale Systems to build new facilities, expand advanced manufacturing capabilities, and bring jobs to Worcester with grant investment.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (November 20, 2023) – The U.S. Department of Energy has announced Multiscale Systems as one of nine semifinalists in their American-Made Heliostat Prize. The prize is designed to accelerate technology innovation of selected heliostat components.
Press Release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (August 7, 2023) – Three SBIRs focusing on metal additive/subtractive manufacturing have been awarded to Multiscale Systems by NASA and the Department of Energy.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (November 2, 2022) – NIST awards $400,000 to Multiscale Systems to integrate its contact-free QA/QC polariscope into large-scale manufacturing systems.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (September 20, 2022) – Multiscale Systems has been awarded $250,000 through the Massachusetts Manufacturing Accelerate Program (MMAP), operated by the Massachusetts Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) at the MassTech Collaborative.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (July 28, 2022) – As part of a $53 million program seeking technologies to address climate change, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded Multiscale Systems a $200,000 SBIR contract to develop additively manufactured, functionally graded bearings engineered for resilience and operation in extreme conditions.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (August 25, 2021) — Multiscale Systems has been awarded a $250,000 grant from MassCEC as part of their InnovateMass program. The grant will fund the continued development of MetaCORE-LD as a clean transportation technology.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (May 14, 2021) — The 2021 NASA SBIR Phase I contract will allow for the preparation of lightweight, high-strength mechanical metamaterials for accelerated aging in low-Earth orbit (LEO).
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (January 13, 2021) — U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) gives $175,000 to concepts supporting advanced manufacturing in hydroelectric sector.
Press release /
WORCESTER, Mass. (April 28, 2020) — Multiscale Systems, Inc. celebrates its second birthday this April with a slew of announcements representing the monumental progress its made in the last few months.