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Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- A Guide to Thermoforming
- Meet PEEK, the wunderkind of thermoplastics
- MetaCORE®: Redefining sandwich panel performance
- Engineering safer and lighter battery boxes for electric vehicles
- How we built a compression thermoformer for rapid prototyping
- Metal additive manufacturing: The pros and cons of 3 different methods
- Solving real-world engineering problems with captured metal 3D printing
- Metamaterial composites: Thermosets versus thermoplastics
- 3D printing prototypes: Turning ideas into items
- How space is the perfect environment for the accelerated aging of metamaterials
- Improving aerospace crashworthiness with mechanical metamaterials
- How we made a DIY drop tower to test impact absorbing metamaterial prototypes
- What are mechanical metamaterials?
- Smart manufacturing of 3D printed prototypes
- Category: News
- Multiscale Systems to Showcase Cutting-Edge Innovation During StartUp Week Worcester
- Multiscale Systems Receives “Making it in Massachusetts” Manufacturing Award
- Multiscale Systems Announced as a Finalist in the DOE’s Heliostat Prize
- Out of this world planetarium talk on origami-inspired space technology
- Success and ambition in manufacturing align with Rising Star Award
- Multiscale Systems advances to the semi-finals of the Geothermal Manufacturing Prize
- Multiscale Systems wins I AM Hydro prize
- Multiscale Systems picks up win for Geothermal Manufacturing Prize
- Multiscale Systems reaches finals of US Army’s xTechSearch 4
- Released: White Paper on Long Distance Aerial Delivery Technology
- CNC Machine Arrives
- Category: Press Release
- Multiscale Systems to Build New Facilities and Expand Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities with $1 Million Grant
- $100,000 Awarded to Multiscale Systems for Heliostat Technology
- NASA and DOE award Multiscale Systems SBIRs for hybrid manufacturing research
- NIST awards $400,000 for contact-free QA/QC innovation
- Massachusetts Manufacturing Accelerate Program awards $250,000 to Multiscale Systems
- Multiscale Systems awarded U.S. Department of Energy contract to develop additively manufactured bearings for nuclear reactors
- Multiscale Systems wins $250,000 grant for clean transportation technology
- NASA contract leads the way for metamaterials in space
- Worcester startup awarded prize for advanced materials innovation in hydropower
- Multiscale Systems Marks 2 Years of Astounding Progress
- Multiscale Systems, Inc. receives NASA contract to develop advanced materials in Worcester, MA
- Multiscale Systems, Inc. receives federal grant to support advanced manufacturing R&D in Worcester
- Multiscale Systems, Inc. accepted into MassChallenge Business Accelerator for the 2019 cohort